Friday, February 10, 2012

Turquoise... I love you!

I go through phases of "color love" at times and right now the lucky winner is Turquoise. Seriously, I want to paint EVERYTHING this color!! This may be a problem....

I ran into a super funky little accent table at one of my fav stores... Goodwill {of course}!! I loved everything about it the minute I saw it, however, I am starting to get really, really cheap and so I passed this up!!

Yes, I felt so sick to my stomach over it and thought about it the entire time, so the next day I went back and guess what... STILL.THERE!!! Yesssssssssssssssss..... it was mine!!!

Just stunning and overflowing with details!! The top actually has a piece of glass [score] and the base is solid and heavy! I just love love love all the details this piece has!!

Of course I reached for the turquoise paint FIRST thing!!! (after giving it a MaJoR cleaning!!!)

This pic is after only 1 coat.... already it's starting to look just as I thought it would!

added some glaze... lots of glaze...

And..... Here is the final product.....

I Loooooooove it!! What do y'all think?

If you are local to me, this super cute, super detailed, super turquoise accent/end/side table is for sale!! Find out all the info HERE. While you are there, "like" me on Facebook :)

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